Thursday, April 23, 2009

a great new beginning

When I was younger, this process was done on an online diary, not a "blog".

I wrote in one, methodically, every day, for almost 3 years. Friends read my ramblings and got pissed at my comments, strangers witnessed my sexual conquests and questioned my reasoning, and perhaps sanity. I detailed my first foray into drinking alcohol legally, my journey into casual sex, my overwhelming emotional attachments to a variety of men, most of which now cause me to wretch at the thought of, and my ultimate triumph* in meeting the man of my dreams. My "blog" trailed off when I met him, as spending every living second with a person can put a damper on gut spilling blogging.

Now, years have gone by and I finally remember the feeling, the thrill of writing, the passion that it brings to me. I've let that fall by the wayside and I want it back.

I don't have any credentials, I arrive here with only an Associates Degree, after quitting college in my late teens to be with my first fiancee. When we didn't work out, I had too strong of an urge to party, so I didn't start back up. Now as a semi-adult, I use the excuses that I don't have the time or the money to go back to school. And one day, really, really soon, that excuse is going to get old.

But as it stands, expect this blog to be filled with only moderately passable grammar and horrendous spelling. You have been warned.

*For the record, said man of my dreams is now my husband, but it was a long hard road and we're still traveling on it, but with great success.

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